Wish Houses

“Wish Houses” are part of our “Kids Helping Kids” program. It is a collaboration between Rosemary’s Wish Kids and several Vocational High Schools to build custom “Wish Houses” for different ill children each year. These schools are from all around Rhode Island and even some from Massachusetts. The students design, build and decorate the Wish Houses with the child’s interests in mind.

After the yearlong project, a surprise reveal for the children presents the houses to them for the first time, and they are delivered to the families’ homes that day.

Previous themes include a Star Wars Fighter, Batman Cave, Paw Sox, movie Cars, Castles, Country Store, and many more. Check out the pictures!

Any project of this magnitude requires a lot of support. We were excited and thank Closet Factory, Navigant Credit Union, BayCoast Bank, the Governors Workforce Board, Anderson Windows Corp and the 7 Circle of Excellence Dealers (Dartmouth Building Supply, Arnold Lumber, Coventry Lumber, Douglas Lumber, Riverhead Building Supplies, Lansing Industries, National Lumber). We especially thank the RI Builders Association for their recognizing the skill, talents, and growth of these students as our future tradesmen. Everyone in some way has stepped up to make this possible!

If you would like to donate, become a sponsor, the kids could use you!

Check us out at last year’s Home Show!

Wish Houses 2024



Wish Houses 2023

Links to articles

NBC10 Home Show Article

NBC10 Big Reveal Article

Providence Journal Project Playhouse Article

Wish Houses 2021

Links to articles:
