Tributes & Memorials

What better way to honor a person than to make a donation in their name to Rosemary’s Wish Kids, Inc. You can honor someone for their birthday, anniversary, Christmas, or other occasion. We will acknowledge your gift to the honoree in a letter including some information about the” wish recipient”.

When making arrangements simply request donations, in lieu of flowers, to go to “Rosemary’s Wish Kids, Inc.”, (161 Furey Ave, Tiverton, RI 02878). They will put it in the paper and on their websites.

If they do not have our memorial “donation envelopes” we will be happy to drop them off. (call 401-624-ROSE (7673)

We acknowledge all donations made to the family by sending them the names and addresses (not the amount of the donation). Occasionally the family will request a total amount of all donations made in their loved ones name which we will provide but again not individual amounts, ”total only”.