Event Updates

Due to the virus, all upcoming events are cancelled or postponed at this time. We are looking into finding alternative dates for many of our events. Please check back to this website periodically for further updates.

Thank you

Event Updates

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the Downings Dinner Dance (March 28), Bingo (April 6), and the next two Meat Raffles (March 21, 28) have unfortunately been cancelled. Keep checking this page for additional updates.

Sign up for the Amazon Smile Program

Do you shop on Amazon? Did you know about their Amazon Smile Charity Program? 

It’s so easy, simply go to smile.amazon.com and they will automatically ask you to pick a charity. Select “Rosemary’s Wish Kids Inc.”.
Our unique charity link is: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/05-0518899

When you select “Rosemary’s Wish Kids, Inc.” (Tiverton, RI) as your charity of choice we will receive 5% of your sales to help our kids!
Please pass this on to all your family and friends. It is a great way to do your shopping and make a donation at the same time!
The holidays are coming. Think of all the wishes you can help us grant. Won’t you support Rosemary’s Wish Kids?