
Rosemary’s Wish Kids, Inc. grants wishes to children and young adults age 3 thru 21 who medically qualify with a life-threatening illness living in Rhode Island and areas of Southeastern Mass.

Our board and volunteers work very hard to ensure our mission of Granting Wishes and our Wish House program! Our volunteers give of their time and talents in many ways such as serving on committees, the board, hosting or working on fundraisers and much more.  Our mission could not be completed without your generosity and commitment of lots of volunteers helping us grant wishes.  Won’t you help?


Your contribution is very important. With your help, we create a wish for a child/young adult and their family to have a trip, item or special occasion which memories will last a lifetime!

Call our office  at 401-624-ROSE (7673) and speak with a representative. Learn more about the many ways you can support Rosemary’s Wish Kids.

Give thru United Way

Give to RWKids by Donating thru the United Way
If you donate thru United Way, you can designate Rosemary’s Wish Kids as your charity of choice.

You can give to Rosemary’s Wish Kids by donating thru:

United Way of Rhode Island

 United Way of Massachusetts

or Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).

Your contributions are tax deductible.
We are recognized by the IRS as a Tax Exempt organization.

On your pledge card/sheet designation lines write:

Rosemary’s Wish Kids, Inc. – 161 Furey Ave., Tiverton, RI 02878

IRS Tax ID #05-0518899

Looking for a guest speaker – Give us a call @ 401-624-ROSE (7673)
